Design & UX

Random Hacks of Kindness

December 1, 2016

About a week ago I attended Random Hacks of Kindness —  A talented group of individuals hacking technology solutions for various charities over 48 hours.

Here’s a surprising learning I took away from the weekend:

Everyone has a super power
(even if they don’t know what it is yet)

The running theme throughout the hackathon was ‘Super Heroes’. To get the event rolling, the RHOK facilitators asked everyone to turn to the person next to them and introduce themselves, and share their superpower.

Of course, it took the course of most awkward ice breakers … No one really had a confident answer to what their super power was.

Over the two days that followed, I witnessed such incredible skills (both hard & soft) that really revealed the inner Superman (or Wonderwoman) in the people around me. The most utterly astonishing thing was that everyone seemed oblivious to the fantastical talent that made them so remarkable.

A fellow hacker introduced themselves as a ‘classic front end dev’ but then showed incredible skills in animation, ux & business analysis.

It got me thinking about looking past the BS titles we all have in our jobs … If you look hard enough, you can find hidden talents in the most unexpected places & people.